Mar 15, 2010

Website of the Week

Are you bored with your music and want to discover some new bands or singers? Or are you finding it difficult to stay musically current? Try TuneGlue! It's straightforward and easy to use: just type in the name of a musical artist you like, click on the artist's circle when it comes up, and hit expand, and a cluster of similar artists will appear. Each artist that pops up is then linked to another five or six artists to discover. In the case of some artists, you can even find added information such as a small bio or a link to their website. And sure, you can search for the latest pop sensation, but if you want to search for classical composers similar to Claude Debussy, you can do that too. The graphics are simple and sleek and the site is easy to manipulate. Just be careful: you may find it addictive!

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